Tuesday 25 January 2011

Title sequence, first draft

This is the title sequence I put together as a test with the footage I uploaded over the weekend. I thought the footage would be useless with the camera shake, but when I cut up the sequence into small clips, it ran smoother.

I've also added a very basic edit of the two tracks which our line producer Kiara Michelini has got permission for us to use, from imonster, 'Heaven' and 'Who is She?'

the title effects were from some ink blot tests we did against green screen mixed with some animated masks and fades on After Effects.

The piece is far from finished. The moodboard needs a lot of work, swapping the print outs for colour photographs, adding the tarot cards etc as well as solving the camera shake problem and filming when we have more room to manouvre. However, looking at this test I can see that my ideas are taking shape are going in the direction I want them to. More tests to come!

In the meantime, I am going to look into the origins of the title sequence to hopefully further my knowledge of title design.

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