Thursday 28 April 2011

Final title sequence

To create my final test title sequence for Fracture, I decided to add to the mood board. During production development, actors have changed roles and new actors have been drafted in to replace roles. This means that the mood board and titles have had to change drastically.

I decided on a much more dramatic lighting style, having the mood board on a table rather than on a wall, Richard helped out with filming and lit the scene with dedolights and CTB gels to give a night blue tint. I then cut some cardboard and placed it in front of the lights to create the effect of blinds in a detective's office.

I added the tarot cards, e fits, new character photographs, Rorschach test pictures and hand written notes to the mood board to make it look more authentic.

The footage was a little bit shaky as the camera had to be held over the mood board and shot by hand. I roamed around the mood board while filming, starting at the centre and working my way round capturing every photograph, note etc. In editing I will keep to quick cuts of each part of the mood board with very short pans left and right to add extra movement to the sequence.

As for the titles themselves, as the scene is darker this time and harshly lit to represent night, I may need to re think the black text I used in the previous test sequence and go for a brighter text style, perhaps adding a glow to make them stand out from the dark scene. I am still however very keen to use rorschach test style ink blot effects interspersed with the text and a typewriter style. I am also interested to test out text overlays  showing case notes etc highlighting the type of case the detective is investigating. I shall be editing together the sequence over the next few days, looking into music to use to set the tone.

We have yet to get full permission to use imonster in our title sequence and the composer Richard has given a rough cut to will more than likely get us a score in time for the gala but not in time for hand in date. I have spoken to my friend and live action editor of Fracture, Kiara, who is in contact with a guy who is composing music for her feature film and is happy to give us permission to use some of his music. She has already gave us sample tracks to use for the hand in date and i will more than likely use these tracks for my titles tests.  

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